Kopernik Observatory & Science Center
698 Underwood Road, Vestal NY 13850
Phone: 607-748-3685
Fax: 607-748-3222
Email: info[at]kopernik[dot]org
Kopernik Observatory Staff
Drew Deskur, BSEE, MBA: Director
607-748-3685 X 303
Dr. Laura Lamash, EdD: Director of Education
607-748-3685 x315
Pat Stacconi, BS: Professional Development Coordinator & NYS Certified Teacher
607-748-3685 X 305
Jenny Cartie, MS in Sustainable Engineering: Kopernik Educator & Livestream Astronomer
607-748-3685 X 308
James Penwell, President
Andrew Deskur, 1st Vice President
Irene Siedlarczyk, 2nd Vice President
Bryan Beaudoin Esq., Treasurer
Dr. Thomas O’Brien, PhD, Secretary
Kopernik Astronomical Society [KAS]
George Normandin, President
Optics, Astrophotography and CCD Imaging Expert