Kopernik Astronomical Society

About the Kopernik Astronomical Society [KAS]

The KAS is a group of amateur astronomers that make Kopernik Observatory their home. They meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at Kopernik and those meetings are also available on Zoom. Kas members help with operating telescopes on Friday nights at Kopernik and hold private observing sessions throughout the year.

KAS is always interested in getting new members of all levels of background and interest in Astronomy! We believe in letting members pursue their interest in Astronomy at whatever level they would like. We have members who are “theory people”, “just star gazers”, or “dedicated observational astronomers”. Perhaps the unique thing about the KAS relative to other Astronomy clubs is our interest in supporting the educational programs at Kopernik. As such, visitors will often find KAS volunteers helping at Kopernik programs, or even running the program completely.


Kopernik Astronomical Society Website

KAS Activities:

Observing at Kopernik Observatory

Observing at Kopernik using Kopernik’s equipment or KAS members’ own telescopes, and cameras. Public observing is limited to Friday evenings, however KAS Members have access whenever the Observatory is open, including members-only observing sessions.

Winter Star Party

The Kopernik Astronomical Society usually hold its annual Winter Star Party in February around the date of Kopernik’s birthday (Feb 19). Doors open at 6PM and programs are regardless of sky conditions. There are typically several speakers on various astronomy topics. Come brave the cold and see winter constellations from Kopernik Observatory’s dark site!!!


The KAS hosts the Kopernik AstroFest, our annual celebration of Astronomy. This full weekend event is usually held in October.

Get Togethers

The KAS holds formal and informal gatherings (meetings, dinners, picnics, dark-sky observing sessions), both at Kopernik Observatory, and other locations, with KAS Members and others interested in Astronomy for the purposes of learning more about Astronomy, and observing methods. Look for announcements on the KAS Portal .

Members’ Interests

KAS Members’ interests include: visual observing, telescope making, astrophotography, digital imaging and image processing, solar observing, using computers in Astronomy, and more advanced scientific study in areas like photometry and possibly spectroscopy.

Special Events/Field Trips

KAS Members often make Field Trips to various Special Events throughout the year, or provide special support. The Field Trips are generally informal carpool/caravan type affairs. If you would like to join in one of these events, please attend the KAS Monthly Meeting immediately preceding the Special Event, or let one of the KAS Officers know of your interest well in advance.


The KAS provides assistance for the educational programs at Kopernik Observatory, and with the maintenance of the observatory equipment.


Astronomical Society Meetings 2022/23

Meetings start at 7 PM, followed by observing (if clear). KAS meetings consist of an overview of next month’s events, equipment issues, and observing tips. If you are primarily interested in learning what the Kopernik Astronomical Society does on a regular basis please come to a Friday night program.




Meeting Date
October 5, 2022
Kopernik Observatory
November 2, 2022
Kopernik Observatory
December 7, 2022
Kopernik Observatory
January 4, 2023
February 1, 2022
March 1, 2023
Kopernik Observatory
April 5, 2023
Kopernik Observatory
May 3, 2023
Kopernik Observatory
June 7, 2023 Kopernik Observatory
July 5, 2022 Kopernik Observatory
August 2, 2023
Kopernik Observatory
September 6, 2023
Kopernik Observatory


George Normandin, President

George Normandin

George has been a member of the Astro-Society since the late 1970s’. His dedication to the club and the Observatory has been shown throughout the years at such historical events such as Halley’s Comet, eclipses, Jupiter-Comet Crash, Comet Hale-Bopp, and Leonid Meteor Storm of 2001.


KAS Vice President of Membership Affairs – David Carter

KAS Vice President of Technical Affairs & Outreach – Patrick Manley

KAS Vice President of Treasury – Art Cacciola
KAS Vice President of Safety –Keith Werkman

Social Media:

Follow Us On Facebook: Kopernik Astronomical Society
Follow Us On Twitter: @KopernikAS

By Postal Mail:

Kopernik Astronomical Society
c/o Kopernik Observatory and Science Center
698 Underwood Road
Vestal, NY 13850