Girl Power Spring 2024

 What is Girl Power?


Since 2008, the Girl Power series at Kopernik Observatory & Science Center has provided hundreds of young women a chance to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in a warm, non-threatening environment, while making new friends and having fun, too. Each Girl Power program includes a visit with a female scientist or engineer to discuss how she chose her career, how she trained for it, and what she does in her job every day.

Girl Power Science: Journey to the Sun

Discover Its Power and Prepare for Its Eclipse  

Grades 3-5 & Grades 6-8
Thursday, April 4
9 am – 3 pm


Sun Power and Girl Power…sounds like quite a combination! Participants in this program will spend the day working with girls in their own age groups to explore our star, the Sun. The morning will focus on learning about the power of the sun and the effect of solar winds. Solar winds can cause the auroras that appear in the night sky. Use your artistic skills to create some Aurora Art. The latest interesting research from NASA includes the satellite, Parker Solar Probe which is currently orbiting closer to the sun than any craft ever has. Learn how Parker Solar Probe is flying into the sun! Then, build your own Parker Solar Probe model.

As with every Girl Power program, the girls will be introduced to a female NASA role model, Stephanie Mauro. Ms. Mauro is a Thermal Analyst/Acting Thermal Team Lead within the Exploration Systems Development directorate at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, AL. Ms. Mauro will Zoom with the girls to discuss her personal experiences, share career information, and have a Q&A session. In her position, Ms. Mauro helps design the thermal control systems to ensure the hardware will perform within the required temperature limits while operating in space. Interestingly, the Parker Solar Probe requires a thermal control system as it flies so close to the sun.

In the afternoon girls will work in small groups to discover what causes a solar eclipse and build models to demonstrate. The upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th will be discussed and ways in which to watch it safely. Each participant will create their own pinhole projector to take home and use on April 8. They will also receive a free pair of certified safety eclipse viewing glasses.

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Online Registration

Click on the link below for a paper registration form.  Fill it out and return it to Kopernik

Paper Registration Form

If you choose to register using the paper registration form, please also download the form below and mail it along with the registration to us.