~ The Moon ~ a collection of lunar images taken at Kopernik Observatory


Click on each link below to see the image

Info on the images

Crescent Moon, 2.8 days after New ~ large file

Image thru Astro-Physics 6-inch F/12 refractor, April 27th, 2009

Crescent Moon, 2.8 days after New ~ small file

Image thru Astro-Physics 6-inch F/12 refractor, April 27th, 2009

Lunar Crater Bullialdus; western part of Mare Nubium

From a video with a Celestron NextImage webcam; 20-inch F/8 telescope.

Lunar Crater Cassini & Valley Vallis Alpes

From a video with a Phillips TouCam Pro II webcam; 20-inch F/8 telescope.

Lunar Crater Clavius; walled plain near the moon’s south pole.

From a video with a Celestron NextImage webcam; 20-inch F/8 telescope.

Lunar Crater Copernicus, plus Kepler and Aristarchus, Jan 2, 2007

Image taken with 6-inch F/12 Astro-Physics refractor and 2.4X Barlow lens.

Lunar Crater Gassendi; walled plain near edge of Mare Humorum

From a video with a Celestron NextImage webcam; 20-inch F/8 telescope.

Lunar Crater Manilius

From a video with a Celestron NextImage webcam; 20-inch F/8 telescope.

Lunar Crater Philolaus

Image with NexImage webcam thru Astro-Physics 6-inch refractor

Lunar Crater Pythagoras

Image with NexImage webcam thru Astro-Physics 6-inch refractor

Lunar Crater Tycho, shows bright rays at full moon, Jan 2, 2007 7:30 EST

Image taken with 6-inch F/12 Astro-Physics refractor and 2.4X Barlow lens.

Lunar Eclipse of Feb 20, 2008

Image taken at Kopernik by N. Guydosh using his DSLR camera.

Lunar Eclipse of March 23rd, 1997

Photos of eclipse thru 20 in. scope working at F/5; Kodak Gold 200 film.

Lunar Eclipse of March 23rd, 1997, Photos thru 20 inch scope

The eclipse was seen by over 300 visitors to Kopernik, using various instruments.

Lunar Terminator, 1st Quarter – with names

Image identifies many craters in this lunar landscape

Lunar Terminator, 1st Quarter, March 4th, 2009, 3:30 UT

Image thru Kopernik’s 6-inch refractor

Moon, nearing 1st quarter (45% illuminated), January 3, 2007 0:30 UT

Image taken with 6-inch F/12 Astrophysics APO refractor

Moon, nearly full (99.5% illuminated), January 23, 2010 0:08 UT

Image taken with Canon Rebel DLSR and 6-inch F/12 Astro-Physics APO refractor

Moon, nearly full, January 3, 2007 0:30 UT

Larger version of full moon image.

Moon, waxing gibbous (64% illuminated), October 31, 2006 3:30 UT

Image taken with Canon Rebel DLSR and 6-inch F/12 Astrophysics APO refractor

Total Lunar Eclipse, 11:10 EDT, Oct. 27, 2004

Photo thru 20-inch telescope working at F/5

Total Lunar Eclipse, Oct. 27, 2004, larger version

About maximum eclipse; larger version of same image.

Total Lunar Eclipse, Oct. 27, 2004, partial phase

Exposure set to show sun lit portion of moon.

Total Lunar Eclipse, Oct. 27, 2004, partial phase

Photo taken as the moon emerged from total eclipse.

Walled Plane Darwin

View of walled plane, craters, and rill system in a chaotic region.