Lenticular Galaxy NGC 969, with Supernova 1997dp

Also: Galaxies NGC 970 & NGC 974

Supernova 1997dp in NGC 969

CCD Image of Supernova 1997dp in Galaxy NGC 969 taken on Nov. 19th, 1997 at 1:51 UT. It is a 10 Minute exposure using an SBIG ST-6 thru Kopernik's 20 inch telescope (working at F/4.9). North at top;
field: about 9x12.5 arc minutes.

For a (large) image that identifies the galaxies and this supernova, click here.

Data on Supernova 1997dp:

  • Discovered: Nov. 1st, 1997
  • RA: 2h 34m 06.48s
  • Dec: +32deg 56' 13.4"
  • Magnitude: 17.8(at discovery)
  • Type: Ia

Galaxy NGC 969:

  • Magnitude: 13.3
  • RA: 02h 34m 8.0s
  • Dec: +32d 56' 51" Epoch 2000
  • Size: (mins) 1.7 x 1.6
  • Constellation: Triangulum
  • Type: Lenticular galaxy.
  • Galaxy NGC 970:

  • Magnitude: 15.7
  • RA: 02h 34m 11.8s
  • Dec: +32d 58' 39" Epoch 2000
  • Size: (mins) 0.7 x 0.2
  • Constellation: Triangulum
  • Type: A double galaxy system.
  • Galaxy NGC 974:

  • Magnitude: 13.5
  • RA: 02h 34m 25.9s
  • Dec: +32d 57' 16" Epoch 2000
  • Constellation: Triangulum
  • Type: Barred Spiral Galaxy,
    extremely faint disk.

  • Follow this Link to a NASA Web site on supernovas. It has a very nice animation and a description of what these objects are.

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    George Normandin, KAS

    November 27th, 1997