This is a 17 minute exposure with an
ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 (working at F/4) Ritchey
Chretien Cassegrain telescope taken on July 21, 2001 at 6:20 UT. This image
is a mosaic of two exposures. The field of view = 16x23 arc minutes with
west at the top.
Zwicky 2350.6+0758 is a Galaxy Cluster with six members. One member, 15th magnitude Spiral Galaxy NGC 7780, was the hose of Supernova 2001 da (seen in the image above). The other Galaxies in this cluster include NGC 7778, NGC 7779, NGC 7781, NGC 7782, and MCG 1-60-44.
Classification: E Dreyer description in the NGC: |
Classification: (R')SAO/a:
Classification: Sab Dreyer description in the NGC: |
Classification: Spiral (uncertain) Dreyer description in the NGC: |
Classification: Spiral Galaxy Deep Sky Field Guide: |
Classification: Barred Spiral Galaxy |
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
July 27th, 2001