Planetary Nebula NGC
6781 in Aquila

Description of NGC 6781 in
The Deep Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000:
- Irregular disk with traces of ring
structure, involved in a larger and fainter disk of irregular form.
- central star magnitude = 16.2
- Alternate name PK 41-2.1
Nebulae: To
learn more about them, click here.
- NGC 6781
- Other ID: PK 41-2.1
- Magnitude: 11.8 (photo);
11.4 (visual)
- Constellation: Aquila
- RA: 19h 18m 26.5s
- Dec: +06° 32' 31"
Epoch 2000
- Size (mins): 1.8
- Classification: Planetary
Click below

George Normandin, KAS
July 1st, 2001