This is an 15 minute exposure with an
ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain
telescope taken on July 11, 2002 at 4:00 UT. The field of view is 8x8 arc
minutes with North at the top.
NGC 6104, the host of Supernova 2002de, is a highly disturbed Spiral Galaxy in the Constellation of Corona Borealis. It has a bright nucleus, a nuclear bar, and a strongly disturbed spiral pattern that appears like a ring in the Kopernik image above. This galaxy has a Seyfert type Active Galactic Nucleus.
MCG 6-36-12 is the 15th magnitude elliptical galaxy that is to the left of NGC 6104 in the picture above. Another dim galaxy is in the upper right of the image. All three of these galaxies have about the same red shift.
Classification: S(R)pec Dreyer description in the NGC: |
Classification: E2
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
July 11th, 2002