This is a 5 minute exposure with an
ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain
telescope taken on May 6, 2002 at 5:30 UT.
Spiral Galaxies NGC 5468 and NGC 5472 in the Constellation of Virgo have nearly the same red shift and form a non-interacting pair. NGC 5468 was also the host of Type Ia Supernova 1999cp.
NGC 5468:
Quote from The Carnegie Atlas Of Galaxies:
Two thin principal arms can be followed from the center outward, one for half a revolution and the other for a quarter revolution, before they branch into several thin fragments winding through the outer disk. The resulting arm pattern is open. Although the arms are multiple, they remain thin and do not cover a large area of the outer disk because they are so thin.
Classification: SAB(rs)cd Dreyer description in the NGC: |
Classification: SA(r)ab?
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
May 8th, 2002