Supernova 1999br in Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 4900

Supernova 1999br in NGC 4900

The following is the data on Supernova 1999br:

Discovered: April 12th, 1999, by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search team.

From IAU Bulletin 7143 (4/15/99):

P. Garnavich, S. Jha, P. Challis, and R. Kirshner, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, report that a spectrum of SN1999br ......(shows) this is a type-II event discovered at an early stage. .....a CCD spectrum ..... obtained on Apr. 15 by D. Stern (Berkeley) and M. Reuland(Leiden) ...... reveals that the object is indeed a supernova, possibly of type II. However, the spectrum is peculiar, .....If the supernova is indeed associated with NGC 4900, it is very subluminous, regardless of its type.

Follow this Link to a NASA Web site on supernovas. It has a very nice animation and a description of what these objects are.

Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 3198:

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George Normandin, KAS

May 13th, 1999