Spiral Galaxy NGC 3877 with Supernova 1998s

Supernova 1998s in NGC 3877

CCD Image of Supernova 1998s in Galaxy NGC 3877 taken on March 26th, 1998 at 2:50 UT. It is a 3.75 minute exposure using an SBIG ST-6 thru Kopernik's 20 inch F/8.1 telescope. North at top;
field: about 5x7 arc minutes. This is one of the brightest supernovae appearing 1998.

The following is the data on SN 1998s:

Discovered: March 3rd, 1998, at Beijing Observatory by Zhou Wan

The following information appeared in International Astronomical Union Circular(IUAC) 6830:

This is the data on spiral galaxy NGC 3877 itself:

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George Normandin, KAS

March 26th, 1998
revised Oct. 1st, 1998