Spiral Galaxy NGC 3810 in Leo - Supernova 2000ew

Spiral Galaxy NGC 3810
A 10 minute exposure with an SBIG ST-6 CCD camera taken thru our 20 inch F/8.1 telescope. Image with supernova 2000ew taken on 3/20/01 at 1:54 UT.

Supernova 2000ew:

Discovered November 28th, 2000, by T. Puckett & A. Langoussis.

Follow this Link to a NASA Web site on supernovas. It has a very nice animation and a description of what these objects are.


Spiral Galaxy NGC 3810:

Dreyer's description in the New General Catalog (NGC):

Bright, large, very little extended.

Quote from The Deep Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000:

Very small, bright nucleus in bright central part 0.85 x .7 arc minutes, many filamentary arms.

NGC 3810 has a classic face-on, spiral galaxy shape and is rather 'open' and symmetrical in structure. The central region appears to be star bursting or at least has a high surface brightness compared to the outer regions. It is both an infrared and radio source. This galaxy has been the location of two recent supernovae. One was SN 1997dq, a type Ib supernova that peaked near 15th magnitude. SN 2000ew appears in our image of March 20th, 2001, but not in the our image taken in April 1999. Based on the published red shift, (and a Hubble Constant of 62 Km/sec per Mpc) a rough distance estimate for NGC 3810 is 52 million light years, with a diameter of about 65,300 light years.

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George Normandin, KAS

March 21st, 2001