NGC 3786 and NGC 3788 (aka Arp 294)
An Interacting pair of Galaxies

Supernova 2004 bd

SN 2004 bd, Galaxies NGC 3786 & 3788; CCD image thru 20 inch
This is a 10:5:5:5 minute LRGB exposure with an ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain telescope taken at 1:40UT on April 16, 2004. The field of view is about 9x9 arc minutes.

Galaxies NGC 3786 & 3788; CCD image thru 20 inch
This is a 560 second exposure with an ST-6 CCD camera taken May 11th, 1999. The field of view is about 5x7 arc minutes.

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George Normandin, KAS

April 23rd, 2004