A 10 minute exposure with an SBIG ST-9E
CCD camera taken thru our 20 inch F/8.1 telescope taken on 5/16/01 at 4:00
Supernova 2001 ci:
Discovered April 17th, 2001, by the LOTOSS supernova search group.
Quote from
IAU Bulletin 7618:
"B. Swift, W. D. Li, and A. V. Filippenko, University of California
at Berkeley, report............ the absolute magnitude of the new star
is only about -12.7, similar to the type-IIn Supernova 1997bs; this may
be a super-outburst of a luminous blue variable star rather than a genuine
supernova. Other explanations for the apparent faintness of this new star
is that it is intrinsically faint, or suffers from huge amount of extinction
in the very dusty host galaxy, or both."
Quote from
IAU Bulletin 7638:
"A. V. Filippenko and R. Chornock, University of California at Berkeley,
report that a CCD spectrum (range 390-1000 nm), obtained on May 30 with
the Keck-II 10-m reflector, reveals that the 'possible supernova' in NGC
3079 (cf. IAUC 7618) is indeed a supernova, of type Ic, about 2-3 weeks
past maximum brightness. The spectral shape is similar to that of SN 1990U
at 12 days past maximum (Matheson et al. 2001, A.J. 121, 1648), but extinguished
by 5-6 mag at visual wavelengths."
Follow this Link to a NASA Web site on supernovas. It has a very nice animation and a description of what these objects are.
Spiral Galaxy NGC 3810:
Dreyer's description in the New General Catalog (NGC):
"Very bright, large, moderately extended 135°."
Quote from The Deep Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000:
"Bright, peanut-shaped bar: 1.4 arc min x 0.3 arc min with dark lanes on one side. Almost edge-on and probably similar to NGC 4631.
NGC 3079 in the constellation of Ursa Major is a peculiar nearly edge-on Spiral Galaxy with a violent bipolar outflow of gas from the nucleus, a "galactic superwind" (Filippenko & Sargent 1992). These "superwinds" (Heckman, Armus, & Miley 1990) are thought to arise from the collective energy deposition and expulsion of matter from massive stars and supernovae in "starburst" systems. The center of NGC 3079 also harbors an Active Galactic Nucleus (black hole?). It has large amounts of dust and dark molecular clouds irregularly distributed throughout its disk and reddening toward its nucleus. This "starburst galaxy" is also an infrared, radio, and X-ray source.
Based on the published red shift, (and a Hubble Constant of 62 Km/sec per Mpc) a rough distance estimate for NGC 3079 is 59 million light years, with a diameter of about 136,000 light years.
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
May 17th, 2001
revised June 4th, 2001