Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403 - Supernova 2004dj

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Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 846 and Supernova 2003 ja
A 31 minute CCD exposure taken with an STL-1301E camera thru Kopernik's 20 inch telescope working at F/5.3. Image taken at 3:30 UT on February 1, 2005. The field of view is 21x26 arc minutes with North at the top.

Supernova 2004dj:

o        Discovered July 31st, 2004; Discovered by Koichi Itagaki, Teppo-cho, Yamagata, Japan.

o        Magnitude at discovery: 11.2, visual

o        Type: IIp

o        The supernova is magnitude 15.55 in the Kopernik image, taken on February 1, 2005 at 3:30 UT.

o        Blue magnitude = 16.45 at Feb 1, 2005 – 3:30 UT

o        Red magnitude = 14.76

Follow this Link to a NASA Web site on supernovas. It has a very nice animation and a description of what these objects are.

Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403:

NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis is a relatively close and bright Spiral Galaxy with a small dim nucleus and open spiral arms. It is similar in form and in stellar content to M-33. The distance is around 7 to 10 million light years with a diameter of 44,200 light years, or slightly smaller than M-33. The galaxy is a part of the M-81/82 group. The brightest blue stars begin to resolve at magnitude 18; the brightest red super giants begin at magnitude 19.5 (Sandage 1984b). The brightest stars are resolved in the image above. NGC 2403 was the first galaxy beyond the Local Group in which Cepheid variables were found. Over 100 H-II star forming regions, many of them irregular in shape, are known in NGC 2403. There are also a number of supernova remnants. NGC 2402 was the host of two observed supernovae before the discovery of SN 2004dj.

  • NGC 2403
  • Magnitude: 9.0
  • Constellation: Camelopardalis
  • RA: 07h 36m 54.5s
  • Dec: +65° 35' 58" Epoch 2000
  • Size (mins): 22.0’x12.5’
  • Classification: SAB(s)cd, HII Spiral Galaxy, S-shaped, with H-II regions

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George Normandin, KAS

February 6th, 2005