This image is a 10 minute exposure with
an ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain
telescope. The field of view is about 8x8 arc minutes, with North at the
The Kopernik image above only covers the central portion of Abell 569, which is a cluster of galaxies in Lynx. There are about 10 galaxies in the Kopernik image, and most are members of this cluster. Abell 262, like most galaxy clusters, has a central X-ray source.
Using the red shift data from the “NASA Extra-galactic Data Base(NED)”, (and a Hubble Constant of 62 Km per sec., per Megaparsec), one can calculate a rough distance estimate for this Galaxy Cluster of about 305 million light years.
NGC 2329 is the brightest galaxy in Abell 569. Although usually classified as a Lenticular Galaxy, recent studies have concluded that it is a 'cluster dominant' Elliptical Galaxy (refer to NGC 708). It is an x-ray source and a radio jet streaming from its core, like many other cluster dominants. In addition that is also a 'radio tail' extending from this galaxy.
Classification: E, Elliptical Galaxy |
Classification: Galaxy Cluster. |
Classification: Spiral Galaxy |
Classification: Elliptical Galaxy |
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
February 16th, 2002