This is a 12 minute exposure with an
ST-9E CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain
telescope working at F/4. The field of view is 16x16 arc minutes with South
at the top.
NGC 1788, a Reflection Nebula:
This reflection nebula in the constellation of Orion is rather sharply defined on its southwest perimeter where it is flanked by the dark nebula Lynds 1616. The brightest involved star is 10th magnitude and lies in the northwest sector.
Lynds 1616, a Dark Nebula:
Lynds 1616 is a very opaque dark nebula that is apparently a part of NGC 1788, involved in the Southwest part of it. It is most distinct due south of NGC 1788's central region.
Classification: Reflection Nebula |
Classification: Dark Nebula |
Click below to
George Normandin, KAS
December 6th, 2001