NGC 1003 is a diffuse Spiral Galaxy in the Constellation of Perseus. It has an ill-defined nucleus and patchy multiple spiral arms. There is a cluster of spiral galaxies in the background, at least 3 or which can be seen in the Kopernik image above. This galaxy was the host of Supernova 1937D, a 13th magnitude type Ia. The Hubble Space Telescope has observed the "light echo" of this supernova.
Based on the published red shift, (Hubble Constant of 62 Km/sec per Mpc) a rough distance estimate for NGC 1003 is 33 million light years, with a diameter of about 52,725 light years.
Dreyer's description from the New General Catalog(NGC): "Pretty faint, large, extended 90° +/-, much brighter middle, resolvable, but mottled."
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George Normandin, KAS
January 15th, 2003