Barred Spiral Galaxy M-66 ( NGC 3627 )
and Supernova 1997bs

Barred Spiral Galaxy M-66; CCD image thru 20 inch

Supernova 1997bs:

Supernova 1997buInternational Astronomical Union Circular 6627 reported the discovery on Apr. 15, 1997 of a supernova in M-66. It was rather faint at 17th magnitude. The Circular said: "A CCD spectrogram, obtained with the Lick 3-m Shane reflector on Apr. 16 shows that the object is a peculiar type-II supernova (formally known as type IIn), dominated by relatively narrow Balmer emission lines on a featureless continuum. There are also many weaker Fe II emission lines".

The Kopernik image shown here was taken on May 5th, 1997, using our 20 inch telescope.

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George Normandin, KAS

May 29th, 1998
Revised: May 27th 2001