Spiral Galaxy M-61 ( NGC 4303 ) in Virgo

Spiral Galaxies NGC 4303A & NGC 4292
Supernovae 2008in (see below) and 1999gn (see below)

Spiral Galaxy M-61, Supernova SN 2008in

Spiral Galaxy M-61, Supernova SN 2008in
A 80 minute exposure thru Kopernik's 20-inch R-C Cassegrain telescope working at F/5.2.

The field of view is about 20x20 arc minutes with North at the Top.

Spiral Galaxy M-61, Supernova SN 2008in

Supernova 2008in:

On December 26th 2008 amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki (Japan) discovered his second supernova in M-61. It was magnitude 14.9 at discovery. Later observations show that it is a Type IIp supernova.

The first Kopernik image shown here (lower) was taken at 3:35 UT on March 18th, 2009. Our magnitude estimates are: red = 15.38, and blue = 16.92.

The second image (middle) was taken at 3:30 UT on March 25th, 2009. Magnitude estimates: red = 15.45, blue = 16.79.

The third image (top) was taken at 2:30 UT on April 30th, 2009. Magnitude estimates: red = 17.04, blue = 18.79.

Supernova 1999gn:

Spiral Galaxy M-61; CCD image thru 20 inch

International Astronomical Union Circular 7335 reported the discovery on December 17th 1999 of a supernova in M-61 by amateur astronomer Alessandro Dimai, of Cortina, Italy. It was magnitude 16.0 at discovery. Later observations show that it is a Type II supernova discovered before it had reached its peak brightness and that the ejected material was expanding at 5,300 km per second. Previous supernovae in M61 were 1926a, 1961i, and 1964f.

The Kopernik image shown here was taken at 5:50 UT (1 am local time) on April 1st, 2000, using our 20 inch telescope. The supernova is about 15.5 magnitude in our image.

Spiral Galaxy M-61 ( NGC 4303 ):

  • NGC 4303A (NGC 4301)
  • Magnitude: 13.6
  • RA: 12h 22m 26.6s
  • Dec: +04° 33' 58" Epoch 2000
  • Size (mins): 1.6' x 1.3'
  • Classification: SAB(s)cd
                            Mixed Barred - Non-Barred Spiral, Mixed S-shaped

  • NGC 4292
  • Magnitude: 13.6
  • RA: 12h 21m 16.4s
  • Dec: +04° 35' 47" Epoch 2000
  • Size (mins): 1.6' x 1.1'
  • Classification: (R)SB(r)0^0^
                            Barred Spiral, with pseudo Outer Ring, and an Inner Ring

    George Normandin, KAS

    May 2nd, 2009