Also includes Open Star Cluster M-47, which is the brighter cluster near the bottom-center.
A Click here for a very large hi-resolution version of the image below (slow download).
Quote from Dreyer's New General Catalog(NGC) for NGC 2423:
'Cluster, very large, rich in stars, westward compressed, stars very small.'
Quote from Deep Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000:
"Moderately rich in stars; moderate brightness range; slight central concentration; detached. Number of stars: 86. Magnitude of brightest star: 9.0"
NGC 2423 is an Open Star Cluster in Puppis. This cluster and the small dim cluster NGC 2425 are located close to M-46 and M-47. All of these objects are easily visible in binoculars or small telescopes.
George Normandin, KAS
March 2nd, 2008